Moving A Rails App to Heroku

This website runs on an open source blogging application I developed called Rehash. The application has always been deployed on a virtual private server but I wanted to try moving it to Heroku.

Bmore on Rails

Tonight I attended my first meeting of the monthly Bmore on Rails User Group. We recently relocated from Minneapolis to Baltimore. In addition to the monthly technical talk, there are social events nights, and hack nights.

RubyConf 2009

Attending RubyConf was a lot of fun because I was able to combine a personal vacation ahead of the trip, then meet my coworker at the start of the conference.

5 Ruby-based Static Site Generators

Developing dynamic database-driven web applications with Ruby on Rails is great, however the flexibility and overhead of the framework is not always needed for small static websites.

Rewrite URLs with Nginx

A previous work project involved changing our blog software and server configuration. Date-based URLs would no longer be used, and the blog would be run within the main site instead of on a subdomain. The “slug” (which is this-is-the-page-slug in...