
Kubernetes, Terraform, Helm

This page will list Kubernetes, Terraform, and Helm tips and tricks.

This is the stack that I have used at a couple of companies and it has some great features:

View the config map

kubectl get configmaps -n <namespace>

Environment variables may be stored in the config map

kubectl get cm <key> -n <namespace>

To format the content for easier viewing:

kubectl get cm <key> -n <namespace> -o json | jq

View the context

  • kubectl config current-context
  • kubectl config get-contexts
  • kubectl config use-context <context-name>

Restart deployment

Rolling restart of the pods

kubectl rollout restart deploy -n <namespace> <name>

Quick Rollbacks

With Helm, we can roll back a release quickly.

helm rollback <release> -n <namespace>

More Helm

Get Pods

kubectl get pods -n <namepsace>

kubectl exec -it deployment/<deployment-name> -n <namespace-name> -- bundle exec rails console

Rails console on pod

kubectl -it exec -n <namespace> <podname> -- bundle exec rails c

Kubernetes Jobs

Check the history of deployments:

kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend

Restart specific services:

kubectl rollout restart deploy -n <namespace> sidekiq kubectl rollout restart deploy -n <namespace> <deployment-name>

Scale a deployment:

kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=2 -n service


  • Jobs may be expressed in a yaml file
  • Jobs may be invoked like: kubectl apply -f /Users/anatki/Projects/project/some_cool_job.yaml -n <namespace>


terraform login (get set up with terraform cloud) terraform init terraform plan (create the plan)