jQuery Conference Boston 2010

jQuery Conference took place in Boston over two days in October. John Resig kicked it off with a keynote and the sessions generally covered testing and large-scale JavaScript applications, jQuery UI, (the just-released) jQuery Mobile, and widgets and effects. Below...

Surge Conference 2010

Surge Conference was held in Baltimore, MD in September 2010, put on by OmniTI. Some attendees compared it to the Velocity conference which also covers web performance, scalability, and operations.

Email Service Providers for Rails

Sending email (transactional and marketing) is part of most every web application. At work our project is nearing its first public release and we are talking about emails the application may be sending. The emails we know the application will...

Node Knockout

This past weekend I participated in Node Knockout with three teammates: Paul Armstrong, Zach Johnson, and Nate Kadlac. Nate and I have worked together on Train Brain, I met Paul through work at a previous employer, and Zach through Paul,...

Tools For Software Projects

In the last couple of years I have worked as an employee and as a freelancer doing software development with Ruby on Rails and Cocoa for the iPhone. The projects have been new projects started from scratch with small budgets....

Moving A Rails App to Heroku

This website runs on an open source blogging application I developed called Rehash. The application has always been deployed on a virtual private server but I wanted to try moving it to Heroku.

Bmore on Rails

Tonight I attended my first meeting of the monthly Bmore on Rails User Group. We recently relocated from Minneapolis to Baltimore. In addition to the monthly technical talk, there are social events nights, and hack nights.