
Andrew is a Software Engineer and PostgreSQL specialist who enjoys building high performance web applications.

Andrew wrote High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails, a bestselling book published by Pragmatic Programmers in 2024.

Andrew has spoken at conferences like PGDay Chicago, PGConf NYC, RailsConf, and Sin City Ruby, and been a guest on podcasts like Ship It!, Ruby Rogues, Remote Ruby, The Ruby on Rails podcast, Rails Changelog, Slow & Steady, Code With Jason, Ruby for All, and the Rubber Duck Dev Show.

When not at a computer, Andrew spends time with his family and friends in Minneapolis, MN, or watching Timberwolves NBA basketball! 🏀


Andrew earned two Bachelors (B.A.Sc. and B.A.) degrees from the University of Minnesota, which included one semester in Toledo, Spain at the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset.


I cannot recommend Andy highly enough for an engineering position at your company. His communication skills, candor, and thoughtfulness will bring tremendous value to any company that he joins. - Director of Product Management

Andrew is a great person to have on a team because of his communication skills and patience to mentor and train other developers. - CTO

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