Hi 👋

I’m Andrew, and I’d love to help you solve your 🐘 PostgreSQL database challenges.

I’m offering 55 minute sessions for coaching or advice, where we’ll work together.

Who are coaching sessions meant for?

Coaching sessions are meant for anyone interested in exploring the problem together, and typically they’ve picked by smaller tech teams facing challenges, but without a big budget for more broadly-scoped consulting engagements.

Clients are typically individuals or up to two on the client side, usually the CTOs, VP Engs, or similar senior engineering leaders at the company.

I’ll bring my knowledge, skills, and experience from PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails consulting and authoring High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails, applied to your specific problems.

Example Topics

  • Collecting and interpreting query execution plans
  • Designing and optimizing indexes
  • Improving PostgreSQL observability
  • Improving Database DevOps practices with cohesive, incremental migrations
  • Tuning parameters for your specific workload

Session Logistics

  • 55 minutes per session, bookable on Thursdays, on the hour (or book multiple!) between 10AM - 5PM US Central Time (UTC−06:00), online (Google Hangouts)
  • Client books sessions on their own, and at the time of booking provides needed company information: Business name, URL, mailing address, contact person name, title, email
  • Up to 2 people can attend, recording the session is fine
  • Minimum of 2 sessions
  • Sessions are prepaid (See below)
  • Discount of $100 for 4 sessions with half prepaid

The company information flows into a consulting agreement we’ll e-sign describing the services, and time tracking and invoicing on my side.

We’ll be most efficient working together when…

  • You’re using PostgreSQL observability tools like PgAnalyze, PgHero, or similar (or are hiring me to help you set those up)
  • You’re running PostgreSQL hosted on Heroku, AWS, Crunchy Bridge, GCP, or similar
  • You can modify PostgreSQL parameters and view postgresql.log files (or I can help you do that)

How much?

$300/session. Prepayment is required. For payment options, please read my Client Payments Guide PDF.

For larger engagements, please review my consulting page. For that I’m offering a complementary 30 minute discovery call. For coaching I’m not able to offer the discovery call.

Praise 🤝

We hired Andrew to help us better understand the PostgreSQL database operations for our Rails apps. Andrew helped us look at a variety of issues and provided guidance and recommendations. - Kevin, CTO, Clearscope

Andrew helped us tune PostgreSQL parameters, build our multi-database integration, and optimize queries. - Brendan, VP of Engineering

Andrew provided our team with training on query plans and indexes, then rewrote an important query, greatly improving the performance. - John, Director of Engineering

Let’s Talk

To book, please reserve a time using the calendar below! Thank you!